Thursday, May 29, 2008

love it long and huge

try to understand that mayonaise

most of my downloads for the past few days have been past the 1 gigabyte mark.. I've downloaded Kill Bill Vol 2, World of Warcraft, SimCity 4 deluxe edition.. and now I'm currently downloading Rosetta Stone with all of the lessons.. yeah.. I'm cool.. I study things that I won't probably use in the near future...

warcraft update.. WoW is a disappointment.. I was expecting Durotar to replicate the Durotar in Warcraft 3.. and I was also expecting that there'll be an Echo Isles.. but yeah.. there wasn't any.. nevertheless the game is still playable.. too bad that the server that I played in was quite lonely.. I like saw only 6 players at the 8 hours that I've been playing.. so that's like 3 people in every 4 hours.. although that isn't really the exact value.. but yeah.. close enough

I'm getting fat.. and bea wasn't able to give me any weight loss tips or something...

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