Thursday, June 05, 2008

crooked teeth

yeah... pretty much one of the saddest realities that I have to live with.. or not.. cause y'got the magic of braces already.. and it seems like a bloody fad.. but nah... I'd rather have my complete set of ugly teeth than nicely aligned bad boys.. I'm really not a big fan of smiling.. soooo what's the point of having a nice set of teeth if you won't really show it off? but yeah.. it's the 'in' thing.. I should jump in..

well.. I'm back.. after two days of entry-less days.. I wasn't able to bombard you with senseless ramblings for a few days because I got sad... cause only one guy read my last blog entry.. and it's kinda discouraging.. c'mon guys.. just let it pass the two viewership mark! please? although I shouldn't really be doing this because page views lose value when they are imposed upon unwilling subjects.. but you still have a little thing called free will.. that's a bitch... for me I guess

I've switched World of Warcraft servers.. I switched to Burning WoW.. because Toxic WoW has this uber major bug on the revive lady and the profession trainers.. it's pretty much fucked up there.. I can't continue with other quests and stuff.. well generally private servers tend to be buggy.. but at least it's free.. you can't really complain about that because you're not doing them a favor...

I guess I'm not really doing a seamless transition from paragraph to paragraph ain't I?
but who cares... this isn't really a significant piece of... webspace? yeah.. webspace..

well.. ummm.. I wish I knew how to edit photos.. well.. not that I couldn't.. but I'm actually able to edit some photos but only up to a certain extent that wouldn't really achieve any artistic merit... you can see from my photos that my shots don't really look professional.. but yeah.. as much as possible I want them to look newspaper worthy.. unfortunately, I end up with forgetable cheap looking photos... but yeah.. who cares anyway? we have the rich kids who can afford high end cameras to do all the artsy fartsy stuff.. although photography isn't really considered an artform here in the Philippines... Willie Revillame's Sayaw Darling! now that is art...

I totally want a Playstation 3.. it's pretty much the losing system on the current console wars..but yeah.. I'd rather have a console that won't die on me in the long run... cause the Xbox 360 has this red ring of death.. but the 360 is a great machine but we're in the Philippines.. Microsoft doesn't support the 360 here.. therefore, you won't get the 3 year replacement warranty for the red ring.. but I'm not really a fan of first person shooters as well.. aaaaaaand the Wii should be removed out of the list because it isn't really a gaming device that would blow me away with stellar graphics... and I've never had a 6th generation(PS2, Xbox, Gamecube) console.. poor me.. yeah.. and the Wii has a nice user friendly controls.. but c'mon I want to play the game all by myself.. or with a player or two.. and the Wii is too much of a non-gamer magnet.. I guess all I'm left with a system that doesn't have great games as of the moment.. the Wii has Mario.. the 360 has Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War.. and the PS3 has Metal Gear(which I haven't played), Tekken, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy(which I kinda hated for deviating from it's classic battle system), and God of War(also I haven't played yet)... I'm a kid from the PSone era.. I enjoyed games such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Tekken 3.. I wish developers could make more platform games such as Rachet and Clank.. they're all hooked up on making FPS and overly sophisticated RPGs.. c'mon! let the 360 do the FPS and let the Wii do the simple "even-grandma-can-play" games.. and let the PS3 do what it's supposed to do.. which is vast environments and extremely advanced calculations and stuff..

oh would you look at the time.. I've wasted your time long enough...

dirty reflection

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