Monday, August 16, 2010

25 days ago...

...someone was reading the seemingly sensible ideas from an anhedonic individual.

25 days later...

...I type again.

I do not expect people to read this anymore, and by people I meant the one or two readers I normally have. In the same manner as the populace from social networking sites move from one site to another determined by trends and the amount of people using it, Multiply has died.

I am merely feeding a dead man's agape mouth by still doing this.

I won't be here for too long, maybe a few posts here and there... until it all dies out. Which seems to be the case in online trends. cause everything is just a trend, what we waste time on will not matter in the next decade. The things which we try to accomplish on websites are short-term triumphs. We seemed to have been conditioned by the internet to live in the present, which I do think should be, but we also seemed to have lost the ability to step back and look at what we are doing into perspective.

Its either that or I am making assumptions based on things pulled out from my ass.

which seems to be the case innit?

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