Thursday, October 29, 2009

its been days....

for some reason I stopped blogging...

I never felt that twitter was something for me... I'd rather update people here... although nobody uses multiply anymore.. unless they want to view pictures of themselves.. oh wait.. facebook does that as well... sooooooooo yeah.. facebook devoured friendster and mutiply...

blogging here has its perks.. facebook was never the best place to blog.. and my short blogging stint in friendster was a bust.. and blogging for blogger seemed to lose its charm after second year high school...

and I really don't understand why I write things in my blog anymore...

its like.. I am compelled to type something with no apparent reason to do so...

after reading my past blog entries.. I realized.. my writing isn't that good... so why the hell am I still writing?

am I writing for myself?

am I writing for the readers? (and by readers.. I mean the 3 people that regularly read my blog)

what is my raison d'ecrit? (was that even proper french grammar?)

I was supposed to write (relatively) interesting blog entries... but I was too lazy to do so... and yes.. here comes the laziness...

I've always been plagued by it... screw me... I'm sleeping


Mikko dC said...

Most of us lost our ardent fervor in blogging. :))

Kenneth Francis Fernandez said...

apparently so

ruthie tutie said...

hmm..keep blogging ken!

MITCHIE murillo said...

kahit ako tinatamad na eh =))