Tuesday, November 10, 2009

last hurrah

2 weeks sembreak.. 1 week ondoy break..

and countless fridays and holidays...

= one extra month of idleness

I'd say my sembreak was spent well... most of it was spent on getting every trophy on Bioshock, finishing Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4... and building my own version of New York in Simcity 4.. it was the sembreak of gaming.. and yearning for more games.. like Beatles: Rock Band and Tekken 6..

but yeah... I was having so much fun with my sembreak.. thanks to the most dandiest of weathers... and to the excessively large LCD screen my sister from Singapore sent.. I am finally enjoying games in 1080p high definition.. YEAH!!

but it wasn't all games... I got seasons 18 and 20 of The Simpsons and the first two seasons of Robot Chicken from the pirate bay... I was able to finish watching season 20.. but the 18th season and the two seasons of Robot Chicken I wasn't able to do so because I just got it this weekend.. and yeah... I had to play Simcity 4.. which might help me for Urban Economics when I get to 3rd or 4th year...

but yeah... The Simpsons got better episodes when it started broadcasting in widescreen.. but I still appreciate the touchy feely episodes from season 18... BUT ROBOT CHICKEN IS THE BEST!!!


an episode lasts for around 11 minutes.. but that 11 minutes will either astound you or will leave you puzzled..

because the show is like a bunch of stop animation (read: Chicken Run) comedy sketches that references pop culture stuff... ie a Kill Bill wherein Jesus plays the role of the protagonist.. and yeah.. with a bunch of jew jokes and stuff...

but yeah.. if you are familiar with the pop culture thing they're parodying.. it will be one of the best 11 minutes of your life.. but sometimes there are pop culture stuff which I cannot relate to.. and I tend to not get the humor.. so it's a hit or miss..

and on feature length films... I was finally able to watch Bruno!!

Bruno is one of the best gay films ever.. I'd say its better than those homoerotic films Gus Van Sant directs or the Maximo Oliveros film.. but yeah.. Bruno is something you shouldn't watch with anyone who is not open to satirical homosexual and racial humor.. I think men will be disgusted with this kind of film because they think they're too manly to appreciate homosexual satire.. or maybe they're avoiding homosexual thoughts altogether for some reason... but women will just be offended with the amount of inappropriate sexual acts done on this film..

as with LGBT themed films.. all you need is an open mind to enjoy it... and if you're pretty much sure with your sexual orientation then there's nothing wrong with being open to these experiences...

and also if you're not restrained by social norms on sexuality...

going back to the sembreak stuff...

some of my classmates weren't too happy with their 2 weeks.. primarily because they did not receive baon and stuff.. and maybe because they're jealous with our president being in a relationship with a classmate of ours... now some of them wants to get into the whole "getting hooked up with someone" bandwagon.. oh well.. who can blame kids who had no romantic encounters during high school.. I pity them...

but my Nigerian friend wants a filipina girlfriend because he's pretty much bored..

and I ain't touching that subject until I feel the need to jump in.. cause I'm still having fun with the culinary delights around UST.. and a girlfriend would just ruin that.. given that a relationship in the Philippines revolves around frequent text messaging.. and as an economist.. I'd rather put my resources to the wonderful food around UST than cellphone load..

because nowadays I believe that talking to someone shouldn't cost a dime! even though its good for the economy


obedodo . said...

i love you.

Paolo Chua said...

Your life sounds far more better than mine

Bea Sigua said...

TEKKEN 6 \m/

.nap :) . said...

Hahahaha, Kenneth, you made sense! >:D< I missed your blogs, hello multiply world :))

Mikko dC said...

Philippine Economy!