Friday, December 30, 2011

what do you feel at 3AM

and I had a short conversation with someone who means so much to me.

she now knows what to call me, I now know what to call her. it starts with that, but it's kinda funny that it took a lot of guts to type a few words on the keyboard. I was sober, and sobriety makes a coward out of me.

it started with eyes meeting

it continued on into fascination, which nowadays would be called "stalking". now that we both know what to call each other, and I can finally say "we" and "both", I'd really like to know her better. more than just what she tells me to call her, more than the images which are publicly shown, more than the conversations she has had which are as public as well. If I will settle for something, the least takeaway I'll have is getting to know her... if it ends there then at least I met someone new, and I've always subscribed to the idea that "new is always better"

so if today, what I can call her, then next time, something new, who knows?

at 4AM I'll try to sleep.... cause sleep is always good. but living out your waking life is better.


Mikko dC said...

Sure hope that's not about your mother. :))

Lazybones Sasis said...

What gave you the idea man XD

Lazybones Sasis said...

As an answer to the title: I feel like crap. Or I'm asleep.

Mikko dC said...

This line: and I had a short conversation with someone who means so much to me.
