Monday, April 07, 2008

shabu and cocaine makes me happy but that doesn't give me the right to use it

yesss... I survived the bloody day.. I just practically said thanks to those who greeted.. I guess it wasn't so bad.. I guess..


the bloody day was totally wasted by spending 9 hours in a classroom for a bloody review.. c'mon.. I can't even last a whole day in the school! or I dunno.. maybe it was the bad Sausage McMuffin with Egg I ate for breakfast.. but I totally felt that this quasi-special day was wasted with studying things that doesn't really interest me.. hell.. I'd rather study the history of Gibson guitars than study subjects that I've already learned.. but I dunno.. maybe that was the point of reviewing.. well.. it totally sucks.. I wanna go to the place where I registered and point a gun to their head and tell them "I want a bloody refund NOW!".. yeah the teachers were quite good.. especially the math guy who looked like Jett Pangan from the Dawn.. the Bio chick was... oooooookay.. she was a good teacher I guess.. if I wasn't so bloody sleepy.. c'mon.. it's like 2 in the afternoon.. who could possibly be in tip top shape at that time?! bloody hell! I'd rather take a half day session for a month.. bloody hell..

I'm happy that the day is over.. or should I? whatever.. I don't think I have anything to look forward to.. it's the same old dull afternoons with Kenneth.. the same old serotonin/dopamine lacking Kenneth.. the same old boring Kenneth.. the same old self-destructive Kenneth.. the seemingly worthless Kenneth.. WHAT THE FUCK AM I TALKING ABOUT?!

sometimes I just don't know what I'm talking about.. I just let the bloody words flow and flow and flow until it becomes a bunch of words that doesn't make any sense.. I myself get irritated when I read my works.. it's like a written manifestation of unexcreted urea and fecal matter.. I would never win any Palanca awards at this pace.. maybe I just need an inspiration.. a girlfriend perhaps? nah.. I'd be depressed with the inevitable breakup anyway.. drugs? nah.. I still want to have a driver's license.. a friend? nah.. the friends who could possible tolerate me will return to their beloved homeland eventually.. a cup of coffee? nah.. my palms smell like cigarettes after drinking a cup of coffee.. a good book? nah.. I'd be too inspired then I'll look like a bloody ripoff.. I wanna have my own flavor of writing(if ever such thing still exist in the 21st century) a bad book? nah.. I'd be too dumbfounded.. and also it's a waste of precious money.. a can of Pringles? nah.. I don't want to grow horizontally.. a good pirated album? nah.. could there be possibly another band that I might like? a good film? nah.. I've seen some of the best.. and I don't see any point in watching any more films.. unless it's better than the ones I've watched.. a massage session? nah.. I hate it when the masseurs touch my unprotected butt.. I'm totally out of ideas..

wow.. it seems like I've written a lot.. or maybe not.. but yeah.. I still have to greet pinkballer08.. I just don't want to greet her in the middle of the day because she might be getting tons of greetings and mine would probably get drowned.. I don't like greeting people happy birthdays in times where people usually greet someone..well.. I rarely remember birthdays.. I suck at remembering dates.. the only birthday that I remember is mine and my sister's and ummm.. bea's 23rd of Feb? kat(z) 25th of May? Hen's same day as mine.. the other bea's 31st of December? I'm not really sure with the dates.. but yeah.. I'm improving.. I guess.. if my memory wasn't so bad.. bloody hell..

maybe my wife would probably kill me for not remembering our wedding anniversary.. or I doubt I'd get married.. maybe I'd get too obsessed with earning money that I've forgot how to socialize.. HIGHLY UNLIKELY.. but the no marriage thing is probable..

1 comment:

r i n n i e ♥ rullan said...

tssssss, remember ka diyan.
you asked my birthday eh! :P