Wednesday, April 14, 2010

jumble bee

I hate repeating myself... really

but all I seem to do in life is to do the same things over and over again... say the same things again and again...

cause when I look at things from afar... I see how repetitive life is... and how it doesn't seem to make sense... thus leading to my cynical disposition.. I've already derailed myself from the path to greatness... I do not think at this juncture I can still live up to my supposed potential... I blew every opportunity... at this state I am just lucky being able to study in a top university in the country and not doing summer classes..

and I've had it with regrets... I'm done with regrets... yeah sure there are a lot of things to be regretful about... but there comes a point where you don't see the point anymore...

don't get me wrong... I am not snuffing it... I am just view myself at a pseudo-enlightened state where in I understand how things work now... and how life doesn't make sense... we just try to see the sense in it.. like... we try to come up with patterns out of the most random things... but really... its just us reading too much in to it...

but who am I to proclaim bible truth... I'm just an undergrad.. middle class kid.. not affiliated with anyone in public office... no power over the people...

then argument becomes... maybe its me reading too much in to it?

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