Friday, April 02, 2010

pers year in retrospect part 1

so yeah... I didn't fail any subjects this year... no summer classes to attend to... goodbye for now 1eco1

looking back... being a freshman again wasn't the best experience... but certainly isn't the worst.. this school year had its ups and downs... but being the optimistic fuck that I truly am, I see the beauty in a lot of things with bambi eyes and child-like naivete..

this year had no challenges.. really.. no matter how difficult things seemed to be... class was easy as a four to six hour class could get.. homeworks were almost non-existent.. quizzes were as simple as primary school... and the fucking exams were easier than what I took in high school... everything was a breeze... maybe except the 1st sem economics recitation under ma'am Estacio.. which was as nerve wracking as Atty. Lorenzo's socratic method of teaching.. my 2nd sem theology professor Atty. Dator didn't do justice to the teaching method used in law schools.. he was borderline irrational.. he seems to ask for opinions with questions such as "is God real?" but he was pretty much asking for St. Thomas Aquinas' Quinta Viae.. that was fucking frustrating.. and I got a grade of fucking 3 from him...

the only hurdle for me was the ever so present lethargic disposition I've always had... I can never seem to get rid of that.. and because of it there were perceived challenges which weren't really there at all to begin with...

the kids in my class were generally bearable.. with some exceptions.. but not to worry the tolerant fuck is here to tolerate everything in this world... because life ends at 20...

but yeah.. there were a bunch of cool cats in class... the first one I was able talk to was Luis Mata... the motocross dude from Davao who hated everything in manila.. although I seemed to have fucked up and he hated me eventually... oh well.. lesson learned I suppose.. but even if that kid hates my guts I wouldn't hate his.. cause he reminded me of an old friend of mine...

the next cool cat would be Zai Seng Kaew.. the Burmese guy which a bunch of girls hated cause of his stench.. I can't blame them.. even I had my apprehensions.. but after putting on some roll on he was of the most intellectual guys I've ever talked to... its maybe because he's 24 already.. but its just amazing how intellectual our lunch conversations would get.. but I heard he's planning on transferring to Hong Kong University or something... so another cool cat down the drain...

yes steady eddie, I am using jazz lingo..

among the many ladies in class... Trizzia Marie Lim is probably one of my favorites.. yeah.. she's a cool cat... she and I don't seem to hang out at all.. but there is something about her that makes me click with her effortlessly.. like.. I can be myself with her and not feel like some douchebag.. maybe its something with kids of Benedictine upbringing or whatever but she's definitely a cool cat..

and the last cool cat this year is my black friend Richmond Akalugwa.. I kinda view him as the better version of me.. although I do not have aspiration on being black.. I want to look like some pacific islander kid.. but yeah.. he and I share a lot of simillarities but at the same time have a lot of differences.. its a good mix really.. and that makes him a cool cat

..but yeah.. I started doing this blog entry at around 8 in the morning.. and its 4PM.. I've been distracted too much.. I need to do part 2

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