Tuesday, April 20, 2010

power fluctuations

really.. its pretty irritating... not because the lights flicker every once in a while... but my computer dies... and shit... abruptly..

and its things like those which ruin the hard drive... cause I have a lot of important files which I wouldn't want gone... but I'm too lazy to get a backup drive... and besides a backup drive costs money...

I do not know why we're having this power fluctuations... I suppose it has something to do with Meralco and how they can't seem to get enough power for our country cause the dams are drying up and yeah... well has it occurred to them that the answer lies already in the problem? you have dams right? dams produce electricity by turbines powered by water flow right? and apparently there is a lack of water right? cause its drying up right? and its the heat which comes from the sun which dries it up right? and like.. there are photovoltaic modules.. more commonly known as solar panels which converts the rays of the sun into energy right? and the problem we have here is a lack of energy right? right? right? right?

or I dunno... my facts might be all wrong and shit.. cause yeah its not Meralco which provides the electricity to the whole country.. I've seen the commercials... yes installing or even shipping solar panels from europe or something costs a lot of money... which Meralco is already making us spend cause of whatever shit I was half-listening to on the news or whatever...

actually.. nevermind its just random rambling and stuff.. cause really I've lost hope for this country and the people in it...

cause like.. getting in touch with Manila.. the once historic city.. and seeing it today.. its like.. this isn't going nowhere.. no wait.. its actually going somewhere... downhill..

I'm pretty sure I'm part of the problem as well cause I am livin' it up like the quintessential Filipino... Juan Tamad.. I've accepted that I am doomed to this kind of life unless I get out of the country.. cause the opportunities in this country is pretty non-existent...

we've been raped by country after country ever since the dawn of time.. the philippines like some used up whore who can barely walk cause her pussy has been banged by thick foreign cocks.. we've been experiencing injustice after injustice and yet we're not doing something about it... yeah sure let's stage a demonstration and attain change.. yeah sure...

what we really need is progress... and you don't attain progress by doing People Power all over again... cause if that were the case then America should've been ridden with rally after rally per state...

yeah sure you can argue that change is a proponent for progress cause the current system ain't doing it for us... but should the blame always go to the system? don't you think that the problem really is at our end?

and we keep on going down the same path...

*after some meralco dudes went here to fix our power fluctuation problem*

so yeah... I read somewhere that if we're experiencing power fluctuations it has something to do with the wiring at our home... so yeah... that's fixed... what a coincidence... maybe the universe works in order to get things done.. like the Paulo Coelho line on The Alchemist.. yeah I read books.. occasionally..

but that doesn't make my previous statements false... right?

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