Monday, March 31, 2008

timor letse

konnichiwa! I'm currently taking a break from answering Sudoku puzzles. I just bought a Sudoku Samurai magazine.. it's extremely addictive and logically fun! I only bought the Intermediate version.. because y'know I actually suck at the pen and paper Sudoku.. I'm a better player when I'm playing the Sudoku puzzles in my phone.. the one that informs you when you make a mistake.. and then after two or three mistakes plus one stupid move/wrong number entered.. I can finish it within 10 minutes.. stupid me.. my logical skills aren't really that good y'know.. cause.. y'know.. I base all of my decisions on hunches and stuff..



home sweet home.. aaaaaaaaand it seems like somone fixed my room.. most prolly my older sister fixed it since the computer was turned off when I got home.. or maybe it's my dad.. or maybe both? I dunno.. my room is disorganized as hell.. but I got used to it I guess.. I think being organized as hell shouldn't really be imposed on kids.. cause y'know.. some people work better when their things are in a mess.. well.. ummmmm... I think disorganization should be considered as an artform! because y'know.. beauty is subjective.. and maybe.. some people would consider something disorganized beautiful.. sounds crazy? well.. I dunno.. maybe I just don't like admitting my faults..


screw you Bea and Daniel! it says here that:"There is NO MATHEMATICAL way to solve a Sudoku puzzle. You can only solve it using logic." ergo.. it's not a mathematical thing! bang bang bang!

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