I blog when I'm bored... yeah... harsh reality
I'm preeeeeetty sure that I'm gonna hate what's gonna happen tomorrow... I actually don't know what I am supposed to say when people greet me... I ain't saying what's gonna happen tomorrow.. because I don't want people flooding(which is a very highly unlikely situation) my friendster profile with generic and shitty greetings(and by now.. you might already have an idea on what's gonna happen tomorrow).. c'mon people.. it's a waste of precious bandwidth! go visit some porn site or something.. at least that'd make you and me happy.. a win-win situation I guess? but anyway.. it sucks to recieve greetings on my profile.. and strangely, I kinda get irritated when people greet me(as in personal greeting like "hey boo, insert greeting here").. I'd rather have sacrificial lambs or under age girls being thrown at me than empty words that I will forget eventually.. I also hate it when a lot of people know what kind of day it is tomorrow.. it's like "c'mon you bloody twats! let's stop wasting precious time on a very trivial annual event.. please?".. well unless you have time to burn then that wouldn't be a problem I guess? whatever.. but please... just give the bloody greeting and stop acting like it's something special for you.. well.. I dunno.. I don't consider my friend's birthday special.. except for some.. maybe I'm acting too ADD or something.. yeah.. maybe that's it.. I dunno.. screw me..
I just read in a 2004 SciAm article that too much choices will make you more misreable or something.. it's like those who settle for 2nd best are generally happier than those who goes for the best or something.. maybe that's why I feel kinda clinically depressed? well.. I'm already aware of the plethora of choices that I have.. unless I can "unlearn what I have learned" then I just have to go for things that would make me happier I guess.. even if the consequences will be grave... but c'mon.. I have a brain.. I'd rather be in a good position in life even if I have to give up happiness.. even if I would feel empty as hell(which is totally ironic considering the number of souls destined to suffer there).. happiness is one pill away.. or maybe three pills daily for ten days?
yeah... maybe ignorance really is bliss I guess.. but too much ignorance.. well.. that's bullshit.. maybe a controlled level of ignorance or something?
Happy birthday. Hahahahahaha.
"maybe ignorance really is bliss I guess.. but too much ignorance.. well.. that's bullshit.."
- Agree.
welcome to the jaded world.
oh wait, you haven't reached adulthood yet. oh well.
*soy sauces away*
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