Tuesday, December 15, 2009

when not in the proper continuum

a classmate's girlfriend decided to snuff it and hung herself...

nobody knows why... there have been speculations...

and I can't seem to feel any empathy for them...

I dunno... I just can't feel sad over the loss of anyone... I noticed this when I lose things.. or lose people... I seem to let things go easily... like.. when I realize that something is gone.. I'd wonder what happened.. then after that... I move on...

I don't think its humane to not feel any remorse when something gets lost... but does that mean I am less than a human? I do not think so... because I'd like to argue that man is not perfect.. therefore something must be better than man... other people would agree with the idea that the only thing greater than man is god... but allow me to assert that there is still something a bit better than ordinary men but lesser than god... what is it exactly? the answer is quite subjective... let's just call it the ubermensch.. the superman..

it might be a classification of a person.. but I'd like to believe that it is a state man achieves...

there could've been supermen in history... but it all depends on how a superman is defined... we can say that Hitler is a superman.. but the ordinary men destroyed his image because of opposing ideologies... we can say that Da Vinci is a superman.. but his contemporaries did not understand him.. and if Jesus of Nazareth did exist.. we can consider him as a superman.. not because of his miracles.. not because of his wisdom.. not because of his self-righteous suicide.. but because the masses say so..

the definition of a superman is very vague and subjective... and I am merely wasting your time by typing pseudo-philosophical nonsense and forcing you to read this...

and if you got anything from this blog entry.. then I salute you.. because I didn't..

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