Tuesday, January 26, 2010

t back

I wanted to write something about the event I went to.. as soon as I got home that day.. but meh... I don't do things when I know it won't live up to my standards...

and when I say standards... I mean things that try to make sense but normally don't.. y'know.. its like.. I try to write things that I really really really really really want to make sense.. but I end up writing something extremely raw.. something that only people as deranged as I am could comprehend..

but whatever.. I'll save that thought for an entirely different and probably more significant entry...

last friday... yeah.. I think.. yeah.. last friday.. I went with a bunch of my classmates to Welcome Rotonda.. they had to do a project on Human Rights and whatever and being the wanna be filmmaker that I am.. I went with them with a camera...

it was a rally commemorating the mendiola massacre whatever.. I walked with them from Welcome Rotonda to Mendiola.. to cut the story I cannot tell in the proper chronological order short... it was definitely something... but as with every benign experiences I have, I realize certain things.. most of which would probably sound absurd...

activism on paper seems nice... but I don't think I am fit for it... for one, I have learned how to be immune to brainwashing after reading countless unreferenced wikipedia articles.. so mainstream media's brainwashing doesn't seem to work on me.. and the activist's pretty rhetoric doesn't work on me as well...

y'know.. its like.. I've lost the need to change the world.. or maybe I started to not care anymore..

even the care bears don't care..

they've been at it for years now... protest here.. protest there.. and most often than not.. they don't bring change at all..

the people in power have enough power to not care.. the youth of today have enough time on facebook (and not enough time for multiply TO READ MY BLOG) to not care.. as for me I realized that I am too small of a force to try to even make a difference...

or maybe, just like everyone else, I've been brainwashed as well...

the leftist activists I spoke with during the protest didn't seem to know anything about economics.. or the capitalist system.. OF COURSE.. its their enemy.. the opposing ideology.. SO WHY STUDY IT RIGHT?

I think Sun Tzu wrote something about that in his Art of War.. something about knowing your enemy and knowing yourself and whatever.. I do not think you can defeat anything you do not comprehend... its like passing a test you haven't studied.. forgive the poor analogies...



I am not making sense AGAIN...

y'know.. I think it is only fitting to not take me seriously... not only what I say.. but me as an entity... I AM A FUCKING CRACKPOT! and not even the good crackpot who earn awards and stuff... I'm like the bored kid who has nothing better to do.. yeah it sounds emo..

whatever.. everything is raw here anyway...


1 comment:

Gesmund Ballecer said...

You have some pot there? Hihi