Thursday, February 11, 2010

call her blind imagery

we all have other passions...

apparently institutions such as schools tend to limit what we can be and dictate what we should be..

it seemed to have worked for the capitalists wanting us, the masses, to stay under their control... because being at the helm of everything means to keep things within controlled and desirable situations..

after being indoctrinated to the idea of us, the students, studying for the sake of a job or doing our passions to earn for a living is something I don't have qualms about...

I mean

everyone shouldn't be totally free... cause otherwise nobody would want to do hard labor for the capitalists which provide us with iPods, Nikes, and rice on the table...

and the foundation has been set for a world where in everyone is under the illusion of freedom...

yes there are better systems... there will always be something better..

but apparently, the people in power of the olden days were able to devise a scheme which ultimately benefit them and their ancestors.. and when I pertain to ancestors, those who are part of elite families...

to overthrow or to abolish such system requires an element of opposition.. the people...

I guess everyone is well aware that the elites constitute only a pretty small amount of the world's population.. the masses clearly have the upper hand when you look at it on a numbers standpoint... but unfortunately, it is not the case...

the elites clearly have the upper hand... they are protected by a system which shields them from those who are poorer than they are...

Marxist belief suggested that the working men are those who will overthrow the elites...

but I do not think so... anymore...

it has been thousands of years and history has proven that rarely or never did such idea happened... cause no matter what revolutions the masses stage... we are always under the power of something bigger than they just destroyed...

if indeed the working men have done that.. then why do working men still exist?

no I am not an advocate of a hopeless society... in this blog entry

but I believe that the element which will oppose and eventually destroy the elite are themselves...

it will be an explosion of epic proportions...

for the higher you get... the harder you fall down...

and if the masses were to make the elites fall... it will definitely not be a swift process.. things like those take time.. ergo if the masses were to destroy the elites... the process would be comparable to a degenerative disease

so if the elites were to destroy themselves... then how would it come to fruition? me... I do not hold a degree in Philosophy or Humanities

1 comment:

Lazybones Sasis said...

... but you seem to be working for a degree in Economics