Thursday, February 04, 2010


roam antics

I guess its just me...

but I love the idea of the universe doing its magic to make certain things come to fruition...

although I'm not a logical being... so I'd rather believe that it wasn't coincidence...

so yeah... I've been mainstreamed.. and I don't wanna use my brain anymore cause its easier to wait until other people do it... but nobody really gives a shit if I am attracted to someone or not.. so I'm forced to do all the thinking by myself...

really... I don't understand... approaching a stranger to ask for directions is fairly easy... but approaching someone to ask for her name... becomes an arduous task for kids like me...

but I haven't distinguished who's the taller one... hopefully after wearing heels I wouldn't look smaller in comparison... otherwise I'd be forced to do more yoga...

its kinda difficult to handle things with the company of others... although I'd be pussy-fied if I'd have to wait for a moment alone...

this is me thinking...

there aren't many tall men.. most of them would've probably hooked up with others... but generally.. competition is negligible...

and not really doing anything at all...

cause if you really really want something you'd have to do a lot to get it... I didn't eat for months to get toys that I've been wanting to have... this time I need to drop this timid facade even just for a few minutes to ask her name...

just the name... cause I already know the face...

it really is difficult to not find any word to associate to an image... its like losing the ability to speak... its very frightening... not even a voice to hear... its like not being able to listen to beautiful music... it is really very frightening...

no... I doubt it... I cannot... I might not... cause it is the hopelessness of life which keeps me going...

1 comment:

Gesmund Ballecer said...

the tall girl, eh?