Monday, May 30, 2011

socially aware

it seems to me that the more social networking sites you regularly use, the better the likelihood that you do not have a real life.

either that or I am again full of shit.

but really, everything nowadays can be done online. You can make friends online, buy stuff online, be a total jackass under a shroud of anonymity online, or even have an erotic conversation with someone and say you had "sex"... it's awesome, yeah sure, but sometimes it prevents us from really connecting to other people... and no, I haven't done every single aforementioned activities.

do you really think that the friends you only talk to online is as good as a friend who's personally there with you?

probably, yeah... hmmm... most likely.

but there are things you miss when you just send instant messages to each other... such as sarcasm. it's such a difficult thing to convey using only words. well, smileys help... and maybe that desperate /sarcasm tag, but yeah... I am totally lost and I do not know what my point is anymore.

enjoy the silence.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

chance encounters

sometimes you just wish that everything good in the world would just fall in place. but unfortunately, we have to work hard for whatever good you want out of life.

...or sometimes when you're lucky, maybe you're one of the few lucky individuals to be able to have good things happen to you just because you were in the right place at the right time. if so, please do not waste the opportunity given to you...

but for everyone else, I sympathize. I would also the things I like so much to just be there or at least the opportunity to be able to be with whatever I like so much, in the proper context.

*whispers something to you*

Saturday, May 21, 2011

change for a dollar?

am I really that creepy? probably yeah, I've always been known to be offbeat and generally unwelcoming... but we're beings capable of change, am I not? I am pretty certain that I am not the most consistent person on the planet, ergo I can change...

...the question is, do I want to change?

for the right reasons, maybe. but sometimes change is something which happens spontaneously, you'd be surprised you're put into situations which isn't what we wanted nor expected but we have to adapt.

but unlike science, there is no specific formula to follow. you change according to what you are capable of, according to what you allow yourself to... and I am sounding like a self-help book. no, I am not in the market for helping others... if it happens, it happens; if it doesn't, then I might make it happen.

I have my eyes set on you.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

everybody lies

I seemed to have grown numb with lies. its like when I hear people lying to each other or worse, people lying to me, I just... am not affected as much as I am supposed to be. cause our natural tendencies dictate us to really really get disappointed or pissed when being lied to... but not me.

but really, what sucks about being lied to is that intrinsically we all want to be part of the truth because the world is full of uncertainty as it is, and it hurts us to be disconnected from the truth or reality just because others withheld the truth from us.

it sucks, yeah... but c'mon, you just gotta learn how to accept that at any point during your conversation with someone, they're bound to lie...

cause grief ends in acceptance.