Tuesday, November 21, 2017


3 minutes... my entire morning got ruined by 3 minutes.

but there's always that comforting adage that god always has a plan. great news.

i feel like a player in nba 2k with a snowflake icon. i've been having a series of poor decisions that i am losing momentum. i missed out on making a mark on someone i'm trying to impress. but i guess now's not the time, because that isn't what god has planned.

our car had a bit of a malfunction thanks to human error, that's always comforting. i only find justice in the person who caused the malfunction feeling bad the whole day. cause i am both vindictive and lazy to get back. i had to spend almost a day's worth of salary just to get to my job. but i guess today's not the day to turn in a profit, because that isn't what god has planned.

before fixing up my morning matcha, an infuriated client got to the office, i bore the brunt of his anger for having to deal with the infuriating bureaucracy of our government. had to say sorry in behalf of everyone who has done their fault to this guy that i didn't even know. but jesus died for our sins even if he barely knew us, so a couple of thousand years later to a random stranger like me, i guess this is what god has planned.

i'm in the office and i've gotten a hold of my daily planner, which has been turning out to be the thousand peso farce this year cause i almost never follow all of the things i write, but it helps when i need to remember where i was on certain days. it becomes less of a tool for directing my life, but more for seeing how directionless it was. but with the 5 hours i have left in the office, i have to at least make a conscious effort to make it count. because that is what i have planned.

and that is what i aim to do.