Friday, July 27, 2018

having kitkats

One of the more pathetic things in the world is depression without any apparent cause. It'd be much easier had we all had something to glom onto so we can justify why we feel bad.

But life doesn't stop for you.

You have to go through your daily routine and having to face people who don't have the slightest of ideas of what's going on in your head, people who might have their own troubles. That's why it's necessary to learn how to put up a façade that you're fine.

But more disingenuousness only pushes you further from addressing your core issue.

That's why it's important to take breaks. It's important to recover. It's important to mitigate the damage dealt to yourself.

Because sooner or later if your inner conflict goes unresolved, you'll do more damage to others when you suddenly disappear.

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