Friday, September 18, 2009

smart people live longer

disclaimer: dadaist blog entry

it will always be difficult to understand the mind of others... but it'll always be easy to read what it wants to say...

because you can make any dish spicy except hard boiled eggs... and you can make every meal filling with a bottle of ale...

but there will come a time that what you're doing becomes a crime... and your friends will turn on you because they realized that they were blind...

in the end it will not matter how many people you have flattered... because it'll always be the good deeds that your friends won't remember...

unlike your enemies who will cherish every act you commit unto him...

if singing without inhibitions was a mortal sin... then God should banish me to hell after screaming LSD...

and when muslims call Allah and Picasso will paint Mohammad... then always expect injustice because you are always wrong with faith...

unless you send all stupid people into space... smart people like you will forever live longer

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